It May Feel Like It’s Too Much, But It Doesn’t Have To Be
You will go through so many changes that can feel confusing, but we are here to help you feel less confused and more empowered! You are growing into an even better version of yourself! Keep coming back for updated information and resources on this page and always look at our fact sheets if you need quick answers to your questions!
Have you heard? Our new puberty and period book will be out soon! Come back here soon by yourself or with a parent or guardian to get a copy!
We know bringing up or starting a conversation about puberty or periods can be slightly daunting, but we are here to assist. Believe it or not, the person you want to speak with may actually be ready to listen and have a discussion. Make sure you select a time that is good for both of you and that the conversation takes place where YOU are most comfortable.
Keep it very simple and you can use words like “Did you ever..” or “What was your experience when..” or “How do you feel about.." In fact, if you are not ready for an in -person chat, why not send them a message to start? As you have your chats, always be open and honest about how you feel so that you can leave the conversation having actually gotten the answers to your questions.
Remember that puberty happens to EVERYONE and it happens over a long period of time: not overnight.
For those who have female reproductive systems, the pituitary gland in the brain sends a message when someone 8-12 years old to the ovaries for them to start producing the hormone estrogen. Estrogen then goes around the whole body causing all sorts of changes such as height, breast, and armpit/legs/pubic hair growth.
For those who have male reproductive systems such as boys, a hormone called testosterone is in charge! The pituitary gland sends a message to testicles alerting them to start producing the hormone testosterone which causes growth and development too. The penis will grow longer and testicles will hang lower as height, and hair on the legs, armpits, pubic area and possibly chest increase. Just like everyone else; hair and skin gets oily which means pimples or acne may show up.
Never feel ashamed! Everyone will also sweat more and produce body odors/smells.
Remember, all these changes mean that it is possible to make and have a baby, but you are not ready for that yet! A baby is a HUGE responsibility and takes a lot of time, and you still have so much growing and learning to do.
Always make sure to take a shower each day, and if you are a menstruator, be sure to change your period product every 3 to 4 hours (might be longer for some products) to stay feeling fresh, prevent odors and avoid bacteria.