Our Programs
Menstrual Product Distribution Program (MPDP)
The Menstrual Product Distribution Program is a United States program that sends monthly menstrual products to those in need. This program is perfect for single parents with young menstruators, those effected by COVID19, or simply anyone who may need some assistance. Potential recipients can fill out the application form below and wait for shipments to start coming in. If you would like to donate to this cause you can visit the amazon wish list link below and purchase any (or all) of the products you see. These products will go directly to one of our team members and then distributed to those in need. The more donations we receive the more people we can reach and the more people we reach means fewer people experiencing period poverty.
We are also creating a waitlist for sustainable menstrual products for recipients that desire them. These cost more upfront but save so much money in the long run. For example, one menstrual cup can cost anywhere between $18-$40, but can last up to 10 years if maintained properly. Whereas if you spend $8 on a box of tampons every month, you will spend $960 in 10 years. Help us make a positive impact today by donating menstrual products to this program for those in need.
Please use our MPDP Application to apply and receive products from us.
Please visit our Donate Page to make a donation!
Please donate using our Amazon Wishlist!
Please donate using our Target Registry!
MPESA #: +254717839900
[1626.00/= for 1-year menstrual pack for 1 girl]
[3252.00/= for 1- year Maternity & Newborn Pack for 1 mother]
Brother/Sister Student Youth Program
Goal: This project is to create a platform where girls and boys going through puberty and menstruation can identify and support each other through the process of sexual maturity which occurs during 10 to 16 years.
Description: Collaboration with the Physical Education departments in schools will allow us to connect students who want to connect with other students going through puberty. This program is for students living in the United States.
This project will be the gateway to assisting students in learning about the experiences of their peers locally/internationally, and will start during the academic school year and end at the end of the academic school year.
Please visit our Donate Page to make a donation!
MPESA #: +254717839900
Support Menstruators in Education
500 million girls, women and other menstruators experience period/menstrual poverty PER MONTH. Lack of access to menstrual products is a global health, wellness and education concern that disproportionately affects underserved communities and persons.
Research and analyses have indicated that approximately 65% of females cannot afford menstrual products and many of those that do have exchanged sex for money in order to purchase pads. This is prevalent in rural areas specifically.
Poor menstruation health and management can have a negative impact on a girl’s overall physical health and self-esteem.
Determined to increase school attendance, eliminate stigma and enhance education outcomes; this campaign focuses on purchasing and disseminating menstrual pads, and providing menstruation and youth reproductive health literature.
The PATESI Foundation stepped in to provide support, implement interventions, and ensure that menstruators do not miss school or work. PATESI works locally with multiple schools in the United States and also globally with schools like Emanyinya Secondary School in Kenya that was our pilot international program with approximately 450 menstruators.
1-year supply of pads, soaps, reusable bags, and menstrual care brochure in multiple languages (English, Kiswahili, Luhya, Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc.).]
Please visit our Donate Page to make a donation!
MPESA #: +254717839900
[1626.00/= for 1-year menstrual pack for 1 girl]
Assist New Mothers
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) has been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the leading cause of maternal death. Our PATESI Foundation package includes information to assist mothers with identifying symptoms of PPH after delivery.
We are focused on increasing health outcomes and alleviating the unnecessary stress that new mothers living in poverty face postpartum. We address this need by purchasing maternity postpartum bleeding pads and other items of support that will be distributed alongside educational materials.
The PATESI Foundation Postpartum Bleeding Care and Management literature was created to help new mothers understand the 3 stages of postpartum bleeding along with important health information regarding the first 5 weeks post-delivery.
New mothers and fathers are engaged in a private session by one of the health center’s maternity staff to review the literature prior to receiving their packages and being discharged.
6 weeks supply of postpartum bleeding maternity pads, baby diapers, 2 baby clothes, socks and caps, soaps for mothers & babies, breastfeeding millet (wimbi ya uji) nutrition for food insecurities, basin, baby blanket, baby towel, maternity hemorrhage care brochure in 3 languages (English, Kiswahili, Luhya).]
Please visit our Donate Page to make a donation!
MPESA #: +254717839900
[3252.00/= for 1-year Maternity & Newborn Pack for 1 mother]